"置身度內/Après Corps/According" Video Art Exhibition 2009

「置身度內」是 蔣靜華的第一次個人藝術創作展,透過一系列由身體各部份而命名的錄像作品,她要將自己「解剖」,以求得自我的內在意義。在這過程中,她發現自己無法置身度 外,周圍環境所發生的一事一物,都在影響著被「解剖」後那敏感細膩的她,而藝術的角色,在為她打通著一道可溝通的橋樑,由內而外,試圖將那無以名狀的感 覺,透過視覺與聽覺的刺激細細表現出來。
“D’Après Corps” (According to Body) is Catherine’s first solo art exhibition. Through a series of video work titled according to separate parts of the body, she wants to have herself “anatomized”, in order to look for the meaning from within. During this process, she realizes that she cannot possibly separate her “Self” from the surroundings. Everything that evolves around her has made its way into her. The sensitivity that was released through the “anatomized” process is now leading her towards a bridge of artistic meanings, so that indescribable feelings can be conveyed through the sights and the hearing.
So it is, “D’Après Corps”.
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